Amara Fairways | Cookie Policy

Cookies Policy

How do we use cookies

Amara Restaurant uses cookies in its website to improve the performance and navigation experience of its users, increasing, on the one hand, the response efficiency and, on the other, eliminating the need to repeatedly introduce information.

The placement of cookies not only helps the Website to recognize the device the next time you visit us, but it will also be essential for its better performance.

The cookies used by Amara Restaurant do not collect personal information that would allow the individual to be identified, only stores generic information, namely the form and / or place of access and how you use the Website. The cookies retain only information related to the user’s preferences.

  • Session Cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in your browser’s cookie file until it leaves the web page, so there is no record on the user’s hard drive. The information collected by these cookies is to analyse traffic patterns of the site. Basically this allows us to improve content and improve the usability of the site.
  • Analysis Cookies: These cookies well processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and perform statistical measurement and analysis of how users use the service offered. We examine your navigation on our site with the aim of improving the supply of products or services that we provide.
Your Cookies

To complete an online purchase, or to sign up for services, you must have your Internet browser prepared to receive cookies.

The most common browsers are:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera

If you choose not to enable cookies, you may still browse our website, but you should take into consideration that it may prevent certain Web pages from appearing correctly.

Third Party Cookies

Primary cookies originate from the same domain as the website you are visiting (in this case,

Third-party cookies originate from a different domain from the website you are visiting.

For example, when you visit our website we may link to a website of another company – like your Facebook account or a YouTube video on our page or any other social media channel.

So when, for example, a social network does a “Like” on a mobile phone presented on our website, these social networks may place cookies on your computer.

We have no control on how these cookies are used and suggest that you confirm on the respective websites how they are used, and how you can manage them.

Cookie Control

You can control the use of cookies in your browser.

Disable and / or delete cookies in your browser.

Alternatively and / or additionally, you can change your cookie settings on your Internet browser.

Your Internet browser allows you to change your cookie settings.

These browser settings are usually in the “Options” menu or in the preferences in your Internet browser.

You can also consult the “help” menu of the browser.

Different browsers may use different mechanisms to disable cookies.

Please see the links below for more information on how to manage your Cookies settings:

  • Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
  • Cookie settings in Firefox
  • Cookie settings in Chrome
  • Cookie settings in Safari

As regards to the browser settings to erase old cookies, the same principles as for the deactivation of new cookies apply in your browser settings.

Follow, please the respective guidelines for your browser, as described above.

There are tools available online for cleaning all cookies left behind by websites you visited, such as

When you visit this Site from different computers, it is necessary to repeat the change of your definitions.

If you change your browser’s cookie settings, your experience with us will not be monitored.

The information regarding tracking and deletion of cookies is also available here: